The momentum is building for the "Stuck On Huck Pledge Vote Rally & Tribute" for Mike Huckabee in Des Moines IA - Saturday June 4th 2-4 p.m. We are asking you to invite your Facebook friends to this event which will also be streamed live on the Internet.
Our goal is to have 10,000 Facebook friends invited by supporters who are Stuck On Huck. Learn can learn more about the rally at HuckRally.com - which is also the Facebook event page where you can easily invite your friends.
Watch below as Dave Davidson puts out the challenge for our "Invitathon" during the month of May - It's truly a "May Day" call to mobilize support for Mike Huckabee to encourage him to run for president and beat Barack Obama. Share this landing page site with friends and family with this web address - Invitathon.com.
Below is a video that shows Facebook users how to easily invite their Facebook friends to the Pledge Vote Rally. We hope this tutorial is helpful! Thanks for working toward the goal of 10,000 invites to the rally.