Saturday, May 14, 2011

For Iowa Stuck On Huck Grassroots Supporters - "The Huck Starts Here"

Governor Mike Huckabee is making his announcement about a 2012 presidential bid tonight on "The Huckabee Show" starting at 7 p.m. CST.  There hasn't been this much suspense to a decision since Lebron James told the world he was going to play for the Miami Heat on ESPN last fall.

Since yesterday when Huckabee shared his decision timing, most of the media have speculated that Huckabee would not run for president - and just like Lebron James, he would be talking his talents to Florida where Huckabee is building a new home.  A blog yesterday at reflected this sentiment with the headline, "The Huck Stops Here."

While Governor Huckabee has been considering a potential 2012 presidential bid, his grassroots supporters started to mobilize in Iowa.  Soon after two key staffers from Huckabee's 2008 campaign team committed to other candidates, "Stuck On Huck" was born in Iowa on April 1st.

The true grassroots movement caught national media attention and has helped fill a natural void during Huckabee's "decision time."  It has helped keep the Huckabee message positive while helping to build some momentum even before he announces his presidential intentions.  The Iowa grassroots supporters are ready, willing and able to passionately fuel a second campaign - knowing that because Iowa has the first caucus - that the "Huck Starts Here."

"Radio Stuck On Huck" has been a weekly online radio show on Thursday nights at 9 p.m. CST.  The nationwide show has attracted fervent Huckabee supporters from across the nation expressing their support for Huckabee's vision for America.  There will be a "Special Edition - Huckabee's Decision" radio show tonight at 8 p.m. CST after the announcement -

Stuck On Huck has also just published it's first e-book, "More Than 57 Reasons Mike Huckabee Should Become President" - written and compiled by brothers Dan & Dave Davidson, co-founders of Stuck on Huck and writers of this blog entry.  The e-book is available as a free digital download for Mike Huckabee supporters to share with family and friends at

In the voice of an open letter and tone of an extended greeting card, the e-book includes letters and tributes to Huckabee to show him support.  It is also for “Stuck On Huck” supporters to share on social media as a digital grassroots tool of mobilization.

Stuck On Huck has announced an exciting grassroots event Saturday, June 4th in Des Moines Iowa - the Stuck On Huck Pledge Vote Rally. We will be inviting high profile celebrities, musicians and politicians to attend or provide a video showing support for Huckabee.  Future Huckabee voters will be invited to travel to Des Moines and sign a "Pledge Vote"  supporting Mike Huckabee..

The June 4th rally will also be a nationwide event with a live online streaming of the Des Moines meeting with simultaneous “Virtual House Party” gatherings in all 50 states. This will serve to fan the flames of passionate voters across the nation.  Supporters can pledge to attend this event and learn more at

The rally will be held at the American Institute of Business College ( 2500 Fleur Drive, Des Moines, Iowa 50321 ) on Saturday June 4th, 2011 from 2-4 p.m.

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