Thursday, April 28, 2011

Live Online "Stuck On Huck" Radio Show Thursday 9 p.m. CST

Tune In! Call In! Stream In!! Tonight 9 p.m. CST Live Online Radio Show! Click here for more info - - Call in number - (323) 693-3319. Several special guests - updates on the Pledge Vote Rally - June 4th - Help mobilize support for Huckabee's potential 2012 presidential run. Please share with family & friends - Become a FB Fan at

Tonight's theme is "How Huckabee Inspires Me" - Quick Click!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Des Moines Register: Stuck On Huck’ Message To Iowa Conservatives: Stay True To Mike Huckabee

The Des Moines Register featured a great story today about the "Stuck On Huck" message featuring tonight's nationwide Live Online Radio Show at 9 p.m. CST - . Click here to read entire article online at the Des Moines Register Website.

“We’re just saying, ‘Don’t get caught up with the new girl in town, stay true to the girl you’ve been engaged to for two years,’” said Dave Davidson, 42, a Des Moines photographer. “He’s not blowing off Iowa. He’s got 50 states to think about.”
“Stuck on Huck” online live radio show that airs tonight at 9 p.m., a new Facebook page, and a telephone campaign — created without the aid of anyone from the Huckabee camp — have one simple message: Don’t let any other candidate claim your heart, at least not yet.
Let's keep working together to mobilize the grassroots support. Become a FB Fan at The message is clear - Supporters are ready to rally behind Mike Huckabee!  

Tune in to the nationwide Live Online Radio Show at tonight at 9 p.m. CST.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Huckabee Weighs In On Current Budget Deal

Mike Huckabee issued the following message to his followers by email this week regarding the current budget deal on Capitol Hill.

Friday, House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and President Obama gave new meaning to the term "11th Hour Deal," when they struck a budget deal to keep the government open just before the midnight deadline. Most people are relieved that there won't be a shutdown, and happy that Congress is finally starting to rein in spending. But as always, there are some on both sides who are furious that they didn't get everything they wanted.   

Dr. Vester Wolber, one of my professors at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas, used to say to us, "Don't use all your water on too small a fire." It's a lesson I've never forgotten, especially during almost 11 years of being a governor and about 20 years in politics and government. I watched closely the debate over the temporary budget deal, and urged the Republicans to declare victory and be the heroes for keeping paychecks going to military families and the national parks open for little kids on spring break.  

My website, Facebook page, and blogs lit up with angry people who said I supported a retreat. That's not true. I just supported taking "yes" for an answer. The Democrats originally wanted NO cuts and then finally put $6 billion on the table as their final offer. The Speaker first put up $32 billion, later moved that up to $61 billion, but ended up with $38.5 billion. To get more than you first asked for, and over six times more than your opponent's final offer - sorry, but that seems a victory to me. But not to those who wanted all or nothing. 

Here's a dose of reality: The Democrats control 2 of the 3 moving parts of this deal---the Senate and the White House; the Republicans only control the House. They were never going to get everything they wanted, and this temporary funding bill wasn't really about issues like Planned Parenthood. Cutting $38.5 billion is a victory for the Republicans. 
Reframing the entire debate away from "how much more can we spend" to "how much more can we cut" is a victory. There are much bigger battles just ahead over raising the debt ceiling and passing the Ryan plan that cuts not just billions but trillions. 
And instead of arguing for more stimulus spending, President Obama will address the nation Wednesday to outline his own deficit reduction plan. That sea change IS a victory for the budget cutters...whether they recognize it or not. 

Mike Huckabee 

P.S.  Punditry and politicking are easy. Governing is hard. In governing, you only get everything you want if you control everything there is. Until Republicans have the White House and a filibuster proof Senate majority, instead of complaining, they should thank Speaker Boehner for his skillful leadership.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Radio Stuck On Huck - Archive Show On Grassroots Support For Mike Huckabee

Thanks for all the great callers and listeners to our online radio show last Thursday - we had callers from 8 different states all showing support for Mike Huckabee. Listen to the archive of the show by clicking here. Also plan to join in next Thursday April 14th 9 p.m. CST for our next show - Huckabee Tea Party - help spread the word to family and friends at and share links!

Listen to internet radio with stuckonhuck on Blog Talk Radio

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Huckabee Wins South Carolina Straw Poll

Mike Huckabee won a GOP straw poll in crucial early state South Carolina, further solidifying his status as a front-runner in a 2012 field that is still taking shape.
Huckabee won the York County GOP event on Saturday, snaring 23 percent of the first-pick voters, party officials confirmed to POLITICO

Newt Gingrich was second, with 11 percent, and Michele Bachmann was third at 10 percent.  Mitt Romney snared 8 percent, and Donald Trump and Tim Pawlenty tied at 7 percent
Read more:

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